Field |
Content and format |
AC |
Accession number |
The accession number is the unique identifier for each entry. Its format is "CH" in capital letters followed by nine digits (e.g. CH000012345). If two entries have to be merged, the AC of the primary name is retained. The other AC will be stored in the secondary accession numbers (AS) field.
AS |
Accession numbers, secondary |
The secondary accession numbers are optional alternate identifiers for each entry.
They are of the form defined in AC, separated by semicolons, and are
created when two entries are merged.
DT |
Created by |
The name of the curator who created the entry. E-mail your feedback directly to the curator. |
Updated by |
The name of the curator who last updated the entry. E-mail your feedback directly to the curator. |
CO |
Copyright Information |
TY |
Type |
Marks the kind of chain the entry tells about.
Terms used:
- pathway
- chain
- evidence chain
NA |
Name |
Names of pathway entries are oriented on characteristic molecules (e.g. ligands, receptors, transcription factors) and are the same as for the respective prepared PathwayBuilder maps and the hand-drawn maps.
Names of chain entries address start and end molecules (A ---> X), which in case of bifurcations can be several (A, B ---> X, Y, Z). To differentiate between chains with the same start and end molecules, a prominent molecule of the in-between path is indicated (A ---M---> X). In some cases the name is a term for a physiological process such as G1 phase (cell cycle).
HP |
Pathway level |
Lists all pathways that are superordinated. |
HC |
Chain level |
Lists all chains that are subordinated. |
CC |
Comments |
A list of annotates. Further information about the different categories of comments is available under
Annotate. |
XN |
Reactions involved |
A list of all reactions the pathway/chain consists of. |
MO |
Molecules involved |
A list of all molecules the pathway/chain consists of. |
RN |
Reference number |
[consecutive entry reference number]. A list of the papers from which the information in this entry was extracted. For further information please see
Reference. |
RX |
Medline database hyperlink |
The PMID number in
RA |
Reference author(s) |
list of authors
RT |
Reference title |
RL |
Reference publication |