Field |
Content and format |
AC |
Accession number |
The accession number is the unique identifier for each entry. Its format is "G" followed by six digits (e.g. G012345). If two entries have to be merged, the AC of the primary name is retained. The other AC will be stored in the secondary accession numbers (AS) field.
AS |
Accession numbers, secondary |
The secondary accession numbers are optional alternate identifiers for each entry.
They are of the form defined separated by semicolons, and are
created when two entries are merged. The former molecule table accession number is also given here.
DT |
Created by |
The name of the curator who created the entry. E-mail your feedback directly to the curator. |
Updated by |
The name of the curator who last updated the entry. E-mail your feedback directly to the curator. |
CO |
Copyright-information |
NA |
Name |
A short name for the gene, such as the HGNC symbol. It corresponds to the short description for the respective gene in TRANSFAC. A hyperlink with the TRANSFAC accession number is provided in front of the name.
There are tags appended to the name to differentiate the species the gene comes from. This short identifier is useful in reaction names because molecules and genes from different species often interact due to the experiments.
List of species tags
Queries with the search field name automatically include the fields fullname and synonyms.
SY |
Synonyms |
Alternative names for the gene. This is needed because the names in biosciences change often. The field lists other names or abbreviations. Different synonyms are separated by a semicolon. The field synonyms is automatically included if you run a query with the search field name. |
TY |
Type |
The type of this gene entry. Possible terms are:
- orthogene, group entry for homologous genes in different species
- basic, for taxa-specific genes (mostly species-specific, but also higher taxa e.g. mammalia)
NP |
NetPro entry |
The corresponding NetPro entry. |
ME |
Gene product |
Proteins encoded by this gene. |
HP |
Superfamilies |
Lists all groups (orthogene entries) this gene belongs directly to. |
HC |
Subfamilies |
Lists all basic gene entries. |
OS |
Species |
The species that the gene entry belongs to. Given is the common name (if it exists), followed by the Latin denomination, as it is done in TRANSFAC. |
DR |
External database hyperlink |
Database name (e.g. EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ): database accession number; identifier. |
XB |
Reaction upstream |
A list of reactions that lead to this gene. Here the gene serves as a signal acceptor. Up to now, these are all semantic transregulation reactions |
XA |
Reaction downstream |
A list of semantic expression reactions that go out from this molecule. |
RN |
Reference number |
[consecutive entry reference number]. A list of the papers from which the information in this entry was extracted. For further information please see:
Reference. |
RX |
Medline database hyperlink |
The PMID number in
RA |
Reference author(s) |
list of authors Reference
RT |
Reference title |
RL |
Reference publication |