Complex binding
- :
e.g. A:B:C
Modification notation
- {mod}
modification; covalent binding
- {mod}n
multiple modification (n stands for any number), e.g. hyperphosphorylation; {mod}2 double modification, ...
- {mod(n)}
quantifier for modifications at one position, e.g. polyubiquitination at a certain Lys residue: {ub(4)K145}; but also to indicate monoubiquitination: {ub(1)}
- {modAAposition}{modAAposition}{...
indicates modifications and positions,
- e.g. {pS175} or {pY53}{pT99}
- there are no separate molecule entries for different states of modifications, unless they behave differently
Types of modification {mod}
- {ace} acetylated
- {ami} amidated
- {gly} carboxylated
- {drib} ADP ribosylated
- {elon} conjugation with elongin B
- {far} farnesylated
- {ger} geranylgeranylated
- {glut} S-glutathionylation
- {gly} glycosylated
- {hyd} hydroxylated
- {met} methylated
- {myr} myristoylated
- {nedd} neddylated; conjugation with Nedd8
- {no} nitrosylated
- {no2} nitrated
- {ox} oxidized, e.g. cysteine residues that are linked via an S-bridge (disulfide-bridge) in the oxidized protein intramolecularly, which is disconnected in the reduced form
- {p} phosphorylated
- {pal} palmitoylated
- {re} reduced, e.g. {reCys123Cys125}
- {sol} soluble
- {sul} sulfated
- {sumo} sumoylated; conjugation with SUMO-1
- {ub} ubiquitinated